Coach Bennett's Podcast

Coach Bennett's Podcast

Stressed Out

Stressed Out


Athletes Mentioned

Episode 89. Stressed Out

Stress is real. Stress is a natural response we have to situations that feel out of control or hard to manage. So, if you're human... you're going to get stressed out. And right now, there seems to be a whole of stressed out runners. 

We're going to talk about what stress is. We're going to talk about how stress and especially long term and heightened stress can have negative impacts on your running. But this episode is about running and this is not about running. Because stress does not only hurt your running. Stress can hurt your life before the starting line and after the finish line is crossed. And you spend a whole lot more time living that life beyond those lines than running those meters, minutes and miles between them. So, if we can learn how to handle or deal with our stress better we can run and live better. 

And if we need help... help that goes beyond what we talk about in this podcast we know that asking for help from experts is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it's a sign of badass strength. 

Hope this episode helps. 

Coach Bennett

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