Kia ora e te whānau. You know the feeling when you are running down a trail and it gets so good that you feel that you are flowing and then you push it just that little bit and you suddenly figure out that you are holding onto the dirt and sanity by your fingertips? Yeah. This episode is like that but in podcast form. In this episode, our heroes discuss what it truly means to commit to a big race, and how they can haunt your dreams. The crew rips through their bucket list races (if money was no object) and then some more realistic options. Finally, in a truly historic DCR moment, the batton of impulsivity is solemnly passed from Matt to Andrew McDowell, who has slaughtered the most fattened trail calf and declared war on his bbq reggae-loving brethren in Wellington with his all-out assault on the Tararua Ranges. I mean, Karel made it look easy, nē? Dirt Church Radio - Best Enjoyed Running
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Music by Andrew McDowall, Digicake