Luke's Lowdown Podcast

Luke's Lowdown Podcast

JAMES LAWRENCE: The 'Iron Cowboy' on Creating an Iron Mind

JAMES LAWRENCE: The 'Iron Cowboy' on Creating an Iron Mind


Athletes Mentioned

This episode is a lesson on mental toughness, not only for your chosen sport, but for life!

Luke chats with James Lawrence, A.K.A The Iron Cowboy. James has completed 50 Iron distance triathlons in 50 USA states, in 50 consecutive states, as well as 101 Iron distance triathlons in 101 consecutive days.

It's fair to say that James knows how to strengthen his mind to accomplish his goals, and he's here to share just how he does this with us all.

Website: www.ironcowboy.com
Instagram: @ironcowboyjames
The Iron Cowboy Fitness App: www.ironcowboyapp.com