Ron'sUpdate Podcast

Ron'sUpdate Podcast

152 Ron'sUpdate Podcast

152 Ron'sUpdate Podcast


Athletes Mentioned

I start the podcast on my treadmill doing a walk using Zwift in run mode since there is no walk mode. I am walking around the reservoir in Central Park in NYC. Only see two other people, social distancing I guess. Then I head out to Stone Mountain to get in a six mile run on Sunday. This week I cut way back on my training, I went from about 80 miles on the bike to 12. and I also ran about 12 for the week. I guess that is called a rest week. This podcast was recorded on an Olympus WS-853 digital voice recorder and edited and produced using Hindenburg Journalist software. The intro and outtro music was from Epidemic Sound

Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.