Runchatlive Podcast

Gait Analysis Series Part 2: Dr. JF Esculier - Runchatlive Ep.62
Athletes Mentioned
In Part 2 of this four part GAIT ANALYSIS special, our special guest is Jean Francois Esculier, Vice-President & Director of Research & Development at The Running Clinic. Other Episodes:
- Part 1 with Dr. Max Paquette, Associate Professor of the University of Memphis Human Performance Center is available on all popular podcast apps and YouTube.
- Join us LIVE on Monday Feb 13th 8pm (GMT): Dr. Izzy Moore, Associate Professor in Human Movement & Sports Medicine at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
- Join us LIVE on Thursday March 2nd 8pm (GMT): Dr. Allison Gruber, Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Indiana University Bloomington.
GAIT ANALYSIS COURSE IN MAY If you are interested in starting a Gait Analysis service or updating it to be more evidence informed, podcast host Matt Phillips will be giving his course ‘Gait Analysis For Runners: A Modern Approach’ in May 2023. • Two live ONLINE mornings - Saturday 6th & 13th May • One IN PERSON full day - Saturday 20th May at The School in Exeter. Full details at Runchatlive.com and The School Website.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- 3:20 JF Esculier at Runchatlive Conference 2019
- 5:00 JF Esculier - a decade of running related research
- 6:40 Latest Study: Running Gait Modifications Can Lead To Immediate Reductions In Patellofemoral Pain
- 11:45 The history of gait modifications recommended to reduce patellofemoral pain (PFP).
- 14:25 Step Rate Increase, Run Softer, Foot Strike Pattern
- 19:50 A closer look at cadence
- 21:30 If the runner is not injured, don't change the way they run
- 22:45 Influence of shoe weight on cadence
- 28:40 The limitations of using 'comfort' to choose shoes
- 33:15 The significance of footstrike in running performance
- 34:30 Results of the study: expected & not expected
- 36:50 Why did some runners report report less pain when they reduced cadence, or went to rear foot strike?
- 44:50 Moving load from the patella to the achilles
- 59:00 Instagram, Twitter, Courses with The Running Clinic
Useful Links
- JF Esculier on Twitter: @JFesculier
- JF Esculier Website
- The Running Clinic on Twitter: @ClinicRunning
- The Running Clinic Website
Our sincere thanks to Dr JF Esculier for giving up his time to be a guest! Join us for Part 3 on Monday Feb 13th 8pm (GMT) with special guest Dr. Izzy Moore, Associate Professor in Human Movement & Sports Medicine at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
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