Tempo Talks Podcast

TT 031 | LIVE SHOW | Bexar Run Crew X Tempo Talks w/ Guy Rubio
Athletes Mentioned
Oh man!!! Don't look now, but we had a live audience for this recording... And it was a BLAST! Coming to you live from the Bexar Goods workshop in Downtown San Antonio, we sat down with the founder of Bexar Goods and Bexar Run Club, Guy Rubio. Guy is the person behind the wildly popular run club in San Antonio, and today we get to share his story of how it all came to be. Connect with Guy and BRC, and please share this episode. If you're ever in SA, come run with us.
Connect w/ Guy and Bexar Run Crew!
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Podcast Gear:
AudioTechnica Mic: https://amzn.to/3auk9d7
AudioTechnica Headphones: https://amzn.to/3dtwG2t
Boom Arm: https://amzn.to/2NyFQjg
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