The I Heart Running Podcast

The I Heart Running Podcast

Episode 12: Coach Carey Nelson

Episode 12: Coach Carey Nelson

1h 1m

Athletes Mentioned

Coach Carey Nelson's notable achievements are vast, but you would never know it. A humble runner and coach, Coach Carey has been running for over 44 years, and just completed his 6th world marathon major in Berlin. This accomplishment is just one of many, which include winning the Houston Marathon with a time of 2:12 in 1991, and qualifying for the Olympics 3 times, competing in the 5000m distance in Seoul Korea in 1988, and in the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics for the marathon distance (Coach Carey had to withdraw from the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona due to injury). This is all before the era of Strava, smart watches, gels, and fancy carbon plated shoes. In fact, it was a shoeless runner who inspired Coach Carey at the age of 14, and from that day on, Coach Carey knew he wanted to compete in the Olympics one day.

Regardless of the long list of accomplishments, I think all runners will relate to Coach Carey's experience with injury, his passion for running as life long sport, and how something amazing can start with a big dream. On a related note: How many of you guys remember Body Break and ParticipAction with Hal Johnson and Joanne Mcleod? They are Canadian Icons who inspired me growing up, and funny how Coach Carey was inspired by them, too. I hope you enjoy this episode.

If you want to reach Coach Carey, you can email him at carey.nelson@forerunners.ca . (or find him at the Main Street Forerunners!).