The Run Ohana Podcast

The Run Ohana Podcast

RunDisney Follow-up & Charity Bibs with guest Laura Frye

RunDisney Follow-up & Charity Bibs with guest Laura Frye

1h 18m

Athletes Mentioned

We have more RunDisney discussion in this episode. Touching on bits from our last episode, Wine & Dine registration has opened, and we chat with our friend, Laura Frye (@laurafrye_nyc), about the status of RunDisney charity bibs for the upcoming races – charity bibs? no charity bibs? We discuss it.

Also, Laura drops a messy story on us from the 2017 Bird-in-Hand Half Marathon. SMH.

Thanks for listening! Cheers!


- The Run Ohana Podcast



🔗 Show References

Kellsie's Hope Foundation 



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