This is the 3rd Episode in Season 2. In Episode 13, I converse with Megan Dehaan of Montana's Dehaan Ranch! Listen as we get a better understanding of California, go on adventures with the San Francisco 49ers, and learn about life on the Ranch as an Ultra Runner. We have a lot of fun before diving deep into tackling DNF's, Popping Champaign on the Podium, and redeeming 100's! Lastly we talk about Megan's Magnum Opus, The Crazy Mountain 100 (which is Montana's first 100 mile Ultra)! She walks us through the "behind-the-scenes" hard work it took to get this race to go from idea to completely sold out! She earns our respect with her approach, knowledge and commitment to promoting Diversity at this event and amongst the entire running community! This conversation was an absolute privilege to have! Laughs, Country Music, Education and Entertainment can all be found in this episode, ENJOY!
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1 Song get added to the Run Shoe Diaries Spotify Guest Playlist!
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Audio Jungle - "80s Rocky Upbeat Training" - Vyray (ASCAP)
Used with Permission -
Invoice No: | IVIP43381612
Order No: | 146231625
Collection/Artist: Sounds of Red Bull
Title: Single Release
Composer: David John Vanacore (ASCAP); John Richard O'Hallaron (ASCAP)
Publisher: Prod Music of RB (ASCAP)
Label: Sounds of Red Bull
Order Number: 0SYUAWU4
Premium Beat - Monday Night Football (Serj Anto)
Used with Permission -
License No: | #4022460
Order No: | #3449651
Audio Jungle - "Game Show Opener" - D. Weltermann (ASCAP)
Used with Permission -
Invoice No: | IVIP44457818
Order No: | 150546937