The Run Shoe Diaries Podcast

Episode 15: Comfort Crisis, Mental Toughness, and Championships with Kris Rugloski
This is the 5th Episode in Season 2. In Episode 15, I converse with (The Mad Titan Herself) Christiana Rugloski! Listen as we discuss the comfort crisis, learn about becoming a Titan, and talk about the importance of having a strong mindset to help manifest our goals. Then Kris takes the lead to talk us through becoming the Hyrox World Champion, placing 3rd in the Spartan Big Bear US National Series the very next day, and winning a Savage Race the following weekend! Kris is confident and polite, yet firm in her beliefs and actions which most definitely makes her a positive role model for young athletes! She earns our respect with her smart and hard-working approach to athletics, all while remaining humble while she just enjoying her hobbies! This conversation was an absolute privilege to have and is best summed up in her Mantra; "Silent Moves, Loud Results"!
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2 Songs get added to the Run Shoe Diaries Spotify Guest Playlist!
Kris Rugloski on The Titan Games (Must Watch)
#runshoediaries #krisrugloski #hyroxworldchampion #gritfitness #titangames
Audio Jungle - "80s Rocky Upbeat Training" - Vyray (ASCAP)
Used with Permission - https://audiojungle.net/user/runshoediaries/statement
Invoice No: | IVIP43381612
Order No: | 146231625
Collection/Artist: Sounds of Red Bull
Title: Single Release
Composer: David John Vanacore (ASCAP); John Richard O'Hallaron (ASCAP)
Publisher: Prod Music of RB (ASCAP)
Label: Sounds of Red Bull
Order Number: 0SYUAWU4
Collection/Artist: Sing King
Title: It's My Life (Karaoke Version)
Composer: Sing King
Publisher: Kobalt Music (ASCAP)
Premium Beat - Back In The 80s (Denis)
Used with Permission - https://www.premiumbeat.com/account/orders
License No: | #3954339
Order No: | #3294938
Premium Beat - Furious (Chris Phaze)
Used with Permission - https://www.premiumbeat.com/account/orders
License No: | #4229484
Order No: | #3516438
Audio Jungle - "Game Show Opener" - D. Weltermann (ASCAP)
Used with Permission - https://audiojungle.net/user/runshoediaries/statement
Invoice No: | IVIP44457818
Order No: | 150546937