The RunRX Podcast

The RunRX Podcast

REPLAY: Trail vs Tread vs Road Running

REPLAY: Trail vs Tread vs Road Running


Athletes Mentioned

Episode notes

In this episode, we will talk about the difference between treadmill running, road running, and trail running. Is there a difference? Tune in now and find out!

Timestamps of big takeaways

Running is Running

[00:55] Once you change your thoughts on running, how you describe yourself as a runner will change. You can say that you run on trails, treadmills, roads, on the hills, etc. Running itself is still running regardless of where you do it.

The Difference Between Running on Different Terrains

[01:44] Regardless of the terrain, you want to be in the Running Pose. The fall element changes for everybody because we all need to hold our posture, but the running pose itself remains the same in any running situation. The only action you have is pulling your foot up from whatever surface you're on.

Controlled Action

[05:16] When you're pulling in place, you are doing a controlled action. When you're standing in place, you are actively pulling your foot up using your hamstring. However, when your body falls forward, and your weight travels forward, you're only pulling 2% of your body weight and only using 10% active muscle contraction.

The Falling Aspect of Running

[06:21] For most people, running is already hard. You have to deal with your breathing, your body weight, balancing, and then there’s the muscular efforts in your legs. You're using your musculoskeletal system as well, and actively working the body. When you're running on a very soft trail, or mud or sand, you are getting some fall because you're traveling. The more squishy the ground is, the more the foot will sink. When you sink into the ground, you have to work a little harder to get that foot back up, rather than just falling.

[07:58] You can use gravity to your advantage, anyone. The more you understand that and simply pull your foot just enough to break contact with the ground, the more you will release your body from a lot of work.

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