The Track and Field Performance Podcast

The Track and Field Performance Podcast

Joseph Coyne: Giving the Athlete What They Need When They Need It

Joseph Coyne: Giving the Athlete What They Need When They Need It

1h 13m

Athletes Mentioned

Joseph Coyne, PhD is the Director of High Performance & Sports Development, Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar and Strength & Conditioning Coach, Elite Sport Program & Swimming, Bond University

Joseph's experience in Track & Field extends far and wide; we dug into his time working with the Chinese athletics federation including his work supporting Olympic-level sprinters and jumpers alongside world-renowned coach Randy Huntington. Joseph shares practical insights on plyometric training, athlete profiling, special strength training, contrast methods, as well as how he adapts his approach across youth, developing, and elite athletes.

Joseph conducted his PhD research on training load at Edith Cowen University in Perth and has also written widely on topics such as plyometrics, strength and power development, and performance testing – with work published on SimpliFaster, Sportsmith, and various peer-reviewed journals. 

There are very few in the sports performance field with the degree of applied and academic experience as Joseph has, so I hope you enjoy this one!

🔗 Explore more of Joseph’s work:

ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joseph-Coyne
Articles on SimpliFaster: https://simplifaster.com/articles/author/josephcoyne/
Articles on Sportsmith: https://www.sportsmith.co/contributors/joseph-coyne/

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