The Wisconsin Runner Podcast

The Wisconsin Runner Podcast

Wisconsin Runner Race Team Profile: Tai Dinger

Wisconsin Runner Race Team Profile: Tai Dinger


Athletes Mentioned

2020 was a year that will be tough to forget. On top of all that went on in the world, it’s was also a very memorable one for one of the newest members of WRRT, Tai Dinger.

The 2019 Stanford grad and Washington DC native made the most of his racing opportunities, representing Team USA at the Pan Am XC Championships in February, and running a string of remarkable PRs (13:49 for 5k, 28:25 in his 10k debut) wherever he was racing in the fall.

Tai talks us through his decision to continue pursuing the sport, the transition to and challenges of training at an elite level with a rigorous work schedule, and the flow of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. As one of the most process oriented folks we know, we loved getting a glimpse into the inner workings and transformations that played a prominent role in his 2020 breakthrough.