TRACK! Podcast

TRACK! Podcast

TRACK! Episode 44 - Will Battershill

TRACK! Episode 44 - Will Battershill

1h 19m

Athletes Mentioned

This week on TRACK! we are joined by GB athlete Will Battershill. Will is a sub-4 minute miler, has PBs of 7.55 for the 3km, 8.32 for the steeplechase, 14.12 for the 5km and 28.52 for 10km. WIll is also a graduate of Harvard, is currently studying at Birmingham University, and last week won the mens individual and team BUCS XC championships. 

In a shortened pre-show George and Ben discuss George's latest races including BUCs XC and talk about his SweatElite debut, the upcoming Reading HM and warm weather training camps in Portugal! Thanks for listening, we hope you enjoy. X