Tread Lightly Podcast

Tread Lightly Podcast

99: Does Heel Striking Cause Injury? Myth vs Science on Running Injuries

99: Does Heel Striking Cause Injury? Myth vs Science on Running Injuries


Is heel striking bad? Should you change your running form? You’ve probably heard conflicting answers on your questions about running injuries - so we bring the science to work through myth vs supported theory on running injuries. We also share approaches for actually reducing your injury risk - and these may surprise you. 

Discussion points include:

  • Does heel striking cause injury?
  • Should you change your running form?
  • Do max-cushioned shoes increase injury risk?
  • Did you get injured because you didn’t stretch enough?
  • Can running on concrete cause injury?
  • Will zero drop running shoes reduce injury risk?
  • Can you skip eating before runs?
  • Is strength training protective against injury?
  • What can you do to mitigate injury risk?

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  • PMID: 38053265
  • PMID: 29791183
  • PMID: 34386286
  • PMID: 26304644
  • PMID: 22927504
  • https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/Abstract/2020/02000/Influence_of_Gait_Retraining_on_Running_Economy__A.3.aspx
  • https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jbmr.4658?af=R
  • https://www.doctorsofrunning.com/2024/01/monday-shakeout-can-running-shoes.html
  • Ryan Norris, Mechanical Engineering PE (on explanation of concrete vs asphalt)

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