
How Kofuzi Uses the Runna App - a walkthrough

kofuzi9 days ago
I’ll be using Runna again as I prepare for a 5k in June, so I thought this would be a perfect time to do a walkthrough of the app to show what it’s like to set up a Runna training plan. Plus, there have been two key updates to the app since I’ve last used it: vacation/travel adjustments and intensity adjustment options. 0:00 intro 1:14 selecting a training plan type 2:28 what kind of athlete are you 3:13 adding a recent PB 3:38 selecting number of days per week you want to run 4:00 selecting long run day 4:40 update - adjusting training preferences - mileage 6:37 update - adjusting training preferences - difficulty 8:09 enter your current mileage and long run distance 9:19 building the plan 10:07 workout definitions 11:12 dashboard 11:58 connecting to Strava 12:35 connecting to Garmin 13:21 turning off pace alerts for easy runs 14:24 Plan Menu 17:12 plan overview 17:35 connected apps and devices 17:45 manage plan 18:25 adding workouts - strength mobility pilates 20:02 update - adding a holiday 22:14 rearranging runs 24:13 looking at run data 27:03 update - Runna Workout Insights 28:44 sharing your run disclosures: Runna is the sponsor for this video and for my upcoming 5k training series. You can use code KOFUZI in the app for two free weeks. I get no additional benefit or penalty whether you use the code or not. No other brands have paid or have requested to have their products depicted in this video https://web.runna.com/redeem?code=KOFUZI -- fun fact: in a weird twist of fate, my prior life and current one are mashing up here. I used to do a lot of software tutorials and training, back in my consulting days. subscriber count at time of upload: 211,505
How Kofuzi Uses the Runna App - a walkthrough | The Run Club | The Run Club