Behind The Medal Podcast
Latest Episodes

Welcome to Episode number 36 of everyone’s favourite podcast!
We do have some running content for you dotted in amongst some other manic chat about Amazon drivers and giving birth and stuff!
Gary falls slightly in love with his ‘Hero of the Week' Can Dean FINALLY get full points on ‘5Karaoke’? All topped off with a sprinkle of ginger wisdom!
Please take 10 seconds out of your day to click the thumbs up, subscribe button to from whatever platform you're listening to us on. Also please leave us a review it really helps us bump up the charts!
As always you can get in touch with us on Twitter and Instagram @behindthemedal.
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand & Radio Gaga by Queen & Roger Taylor.

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. When ever you are listening, hello and we hope you are all ok!
Would you believe it, we actually have some running content for you! What a treat.
So dive in to this lovely episode and see what Dean is getting up to and also to see what Gary is shouting into his phone during this new installment of 5Karaoke!
As always you can get in touch with us on Twitter and Instagram @behindthemedal.
Click subscribe to the podcast from wherever you're listening and give us a like and review it really helps us out and will only take you 10 seconds!
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand

Check this out, we are a running based podcast and this week we actually have some running content for you!
We both got out and did some good miles and had an epiphany about running again!
But don't panic, there is still plenty of our infamous nonsense too along with 5karaoke and ginger wisdom.
Don't forget to come say hello on Twitter and Instagram @behindthemedal.
Give it a download and while you’re listening, subscribe to the podcast from wherever you're listening and give us a like and review it really helps us out and will only take you 10 seconds!
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand and November by Limujii

It’s our two year anniversary so we recorded an episode to celebrate and this one feels like a mad fever dream or something! So get ready to digest this episode of weird!
We sum up how you could spend your time better than listening to this podcast, Gary tries his hand at reviewing a foot nourishing sock pack and Dean gives out what could finally be the one to break Gary’s brain!
Thanks so much for sticking with us for two years. Plenty more to come. We love ya. Happy birthday us!
Give it a download and while you’re listening, subscribe to the podcast from wherever you're listening and give us a like and review it really helps us out and will only take you 10 seconds!
You can get in touch with us and say hello on Twitter and Instagram @behindthemedal.
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand.
Shoutout to @posthilldanny aka Bo Jo!

Happy New Year you gorgeous lot! We finally got together (virtually) and recorded some more nonsense for you!
It’s been a tough start to the year, so stick your headphones in and join us for half an hour of escapism by listening to two hairy blokes rambling about self care, offensive names and even a little bit about running! Dean’s ‘Ginger wisdom’ makes a welcome return and Gary also introduces a brand new feature 5Karaoke’
Give us a download and while you’re listening, subscribe to the podcast from wherever you're listening and give us a like and review it really helps us out and will only take you 10 seconds!
You can get in touch with us and say hello on Twitter and Instagram @behindthemedal.
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand, The Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key, Jamie Salisbury and John Stafford Smith.

Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas!
Welcome to our last episode of 2020. What a year it’s been eh?!
Join us for a quick round up of this annus horribilis and we talk about our aims and goals for a whole new year in 2021.
There’s also extra special editions of Hero of the week and Ginger Wisdom and the worst version of 12 days of Christmas you will ever hear.
Thanks for sticking with us through 31 episodes. There will be plenty more to come in the new year.
All we want for Christmas is that you leave us a review, give us a rating, click the like and subscribe button on your podcast platform.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year!!
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand

It's our 30th episode! So as we are in our dirty thirty's, Gary moan's about technology for 10 minutes and Dean teaches us some facts about the number 30. Also thrown in are your favourite features 'Hero of the Week' and a particularly strange edition of 'Ginger Wisdom'
You can get in touch with us on Twitter and Instagram @behindthemedal. Please subscribe to our podcast from where you're listening and give us a like and review it really helps us out!
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand and The Investigation by Artem Grebenshchikov.

Do you remember us? We are the two northern idiots who shout about running and make immature gags and stuff. We thought we better release some more content for you!
Sorry it took us so long, but here we are, in the midst of lockdown 2.0, getting together virtually to shout into our microphones for you about where we've been and if we are still alive. We dug out some of your favourite features for you to enjoy too.
As always, get in touch with us on Twitter and instagram @BehindTheMedal it'd be lovely to hear from you during this second lockdown shenanigans.
Be sure to subscribe to our podcast, give us a like, leave us a comment and if you enjoyed the show leave us a nice review from wherever your listening, it really helps us out!
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand, Happy Commercial Music by David Fesliyan & Without Me by Marshalll Mathers, Jeffrey Bass, Kevin Bell, Anne Dudley, Malcom McLaren and Trevor Horn.

Hello. It's us. We're back! Did you miss us?
I's been a while so we thought we would check back in to see how you're doing and fill you in with how we're doing and if we completed the April challenge..
Included for free in this episode is Hero of the week which takes an unexpected turn.
Be sure to subscribe to our podcast, give us a like, comment, if you enjoyed the show, leave us a nice review and come and say hello to us on Twitter and instagram @BehindTheMedal, we love hearing from you guys.
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand

In the first half we recorded on the day of what should have been the Manchester Marathon (RIP) so Gary pretends he is running the last 10k of the Marathon and documents his marathon morning. In the second half Dean kicks off with cyclists.
Alan Bennett runs a 10k.
Ginger wisdom is like pulling teeth!
Be sure to subscribe to our podcast, give us a like, comment, if you enjoyed the show, leave us a nice review and come and say hello to us on Twitter and instagram @BehindTheMedal.
Music with thanks to; Theme tune by Andrew McCrorie-Hand and My Sharona by Berton Averre and Doug Fieger.