We're updating the Shoe Weights sheet with the shoes I unboxed last time. And we're unboxing more race shoes (this one reminds me of little rectangle desserts at the Asian Buffet)
unboxing Cumulus 25, Diadora Cellula, Diadora Gara Carbon 2, and Cure Hydration. Also, we update the Fastest Known Marathon Sheet
I'll read you the colorway of a shoe, you guess what shoe it is. This game seemed super hard to me, so I did narrow it down to a single brand (Adidas). I thought people would get zero of these correct, but someone was able to guess correctly for each one! you guys are amazing.
Just got back after a week, running in Morocco. Tested some snacks I brought home. And then opened some new shoes
Unboxing packages from Path Projects, Harrier, Atreyu (which led to a lengthy discussion of both Neverending Story and Atreyu the band), and Puma
Today, I'm trying plant based ramen, Immi. "Beef" flavor. Also, we talk about how I don't know what a super trainer is.
Today, I weigh the shoes we unboxed last time. Plus, I accidentally break embargo (it's ok, it was one of my own). Get your 2025 Running Bingo Card ready!
Made it back from Miami. I can talk about some stuff, but a lot is under embargo. But I do have a bunch of shoes to unbox.
In this final interview from Houston 2025, I spoke with Victoria Sekely, TrainSmartRunStrong, who I’ve been following on Instagram for what feels like years. I had the chance to bump into her while getting coffee, and I was excited to follow up here to talk about here Houston Half PB, her mantras, incorporating strength for runners, and her relationship with social media 0:00 intro 1:02 meeting in Houston 2:13 cucumber 7:26 race day shoe 8:00 mileage 11:38 not discussing paces 15:07 higher mileage and strength training 17:28 strategies for the most strength-reluctant runners 20:33 squat rack 22:44 relationship with social media 26:40 being anti-algorithm 28:33 growth is painful sometoimes Follow Victoria IG TrainSmart Run Strong https://www.instagram.com/trainsmartrunstrong/?hl=en Work with Victoria https://www.trainsmartrunstrong.com