Midnight Runners London Podcast

Midnight Runners London Podcast

Latest Episodes

BONUS: A Christmas Special

Join JP, George and Geth for a Christmas special edition, as we share tales of a few personal Midnight Runners highlights from the past 12 months.
This is an unplanned bonus episode, so the format is a bit different this time around… we don’t have a guest, there’s no game, and the only headline is that two of us are stuck in isolation... 

But fear not, there’s plenty of reminiscing, laughs and nonsense to help make spirits bright.

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe. 

Got an idea for series two? Why not get in touch?! You can email us at midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com  
To find out more about Midnight Runners and the global community visit https://www.midnightrunners.com/  
Editor and producer: Jessica Parry
Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry
Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno

Show notes23m
Safety shorts - Lucy Goddard-Mason

Join JP, George and Geth for the final episode in the first series, bringing you the latest from the Midnight Runners London community. 
In this episode we’re joined by Lucy Goddard-Mason, who explains how running helps her make new friends, enjoy new adventures, and have a good old giggle along the way.

As ever, we have headlines, games and plenty of nonsense for good measure.

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe. 

Got an idea for series two? Why not get in touch?! You can email us at midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com  
To find out more about Midnight Runners and the global community visit https://www.midnightrunners.com/  
Editor and producer: Jessica Parry
Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry
Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno

Show notes43m
Sofa Swim - Jessie Lewis

Join JP, George and Geth as we continue to bring you the latest from the Midnight Runners London community during lockdown. 
In this episode we’re joined by Jessie Lewis, who talks about her impressive fitness endeavours from the past 12 months, and explains how running supports her mental health. Jessie also touches on the links between sport and psychology - her professional field.

As ever, we have headlines, games and plenty of nonsense along the way. 

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe. 

Why not get in touch? To contact us, email midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com  
To find out more about Midnight Runners and the global community visit https://www.midnightrunners.com/  
Editor and producer: Jessica Parry
Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry
Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno

Show notes44m
Beef bars - Hjalti Rögnvaldsson

Join JP, George and Geth as we continue to bring you the latest from the Midnight Runners London community during lockdown.
In this episode we’re joined by Hjalti Rögnvaldsson, who shares stories from his many running adventures, and tells us how he uses challenges to keep things fun and fresh. We also find out more about his latest initiative - Bearded Running (www.beardedrunning.com)

As ever, we have headlines, games and plenty of nonsense along the way.

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe.

Why not get in touch? To contact us, email midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com 
To find out more about Midnight Runners and the global community visit https://www.midnightrunners.com/ 
Sign up to the Beard Running mailing list to receive strength-based exercises for runners 3x a week
Editor and producer: Jessica Parry
Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry
Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno

Show notes47m
Squirrel - Sandy Ferez

Join JP, George and Geth, as we continue to bring you the latest from the Midnight Runners London community during lockdown.
In this episode we’re joined by guest member Sandy Ferez, who talks about the importance of adapting goals when necessary, and reveals her top tips for keeping focused on a run.

The group also reflect on the fight for equality, encouraging everyone to #choosetochallenge as we approach International Women’s Day, which takes place on Monday 8th March.
Finally, we chat about the Midnight Runners World Tour - find all the details here: https://www.midnightrunners.com/blog/midnight-runner-world-tour

And as ever, there's a fair amount of nonsense to enjoy too!

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe.

To contact us, email midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com

To find out more about Midnight Runners London and the global community visit


Editor and producer: Jessica Parry

Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry

Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno

Instagram: @jessicajoyce9 @geo_wats  @gethinhine @midnightrunnerslondon

Show notes37m
Flubber - James Holt

Flubber - James Holt

Join JP, George and Geth, as we continue to bring you the latest from the Midnight Runners London community during lockdown.
In this episode, we speak to our London lead, James Holt, who tells us about the positive impact that the running community has had on him, and his perspective on why the sport has seen a recent surge in popularity. 
And, as always, there's some nonsense chat for good measure!

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe.
 To contact us, email midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com

To find out more about Midnight Runners London and the global community visit


Editor and producer: Jessica Parry

Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry

Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno

Show notes36m
Pilot - Matthew Low

Pilot - Matthew Low

Covid-19 hasn’t gone away and, due to the rules and regulations, we continue to find ourselves unable to gather for the usual weekly bootcamps, track sessions and Sunday long runs. Whilst it might feel as though we’re far apart JP, George and Geth hope to pull us closer together, connecting us to members from across the Midnight Runners London community and asking a special guest, the big question, why do you run?

This episode of the Midnight Runners London Podcast speaks to member, Matthew Low, who shares his experiences of a South African lockdown and keeping grounded, unless up in the sky.

If you like what you hear, please rate, review and subscribe. 

To contact us, email midnightrunnerspodcast@gmail.com  


To find out more about Midnight Runners and the global community visit https://www.midnightrunners.com/  


Editor and producer: Jessica Parry

 Hosts: George Watkins, Gethin Hine and Jessica Parry

 Jingles: Julius H and Geovane Bruno



Show notes35m