Run Farther & Faster — The Podcast with Coaches Lisa Levin and Julie Sapper

Episode 59: A Conversation with Laura Thweatt: Your Injury Does Not Define You.
1h 41m
Athletes Mentioned
What a conversation! Laura Thweatt is a Saucony- sponsored athlete, who trains in Boulder under Joe Bosshard. Laura was was one of the lead women at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials. Laura shares her amazing journey from injury to triumph. In 2017, after a 2:25 PR at the London Marathon, Laura sustained a potentially career-ending injury—osteitis pubis. She crawled her way back to health for two years, and the information she shares about how she did that is gold!. After that two-year struggle, she secured her Olympic Trials spot at the 2019 Chicago Marathon. Thanks to RnJ Sports for sponsoring this episode, and thanks to Laura for sharing her journey!