The Any Given Run Day Podcast

The Any Given Run Day Podcast

Latest Episodes

S3E004- A 500 Mile Month Run/ Life, Military and this crazy plan
Tim Barrientez, a recent transplant to San Antonio, Tx quickly became family with the run community.  Tim recently completed a huge accomplishment as he completed 500 miles in the month of October for a new nonprofit/ scholarship in remembrance of his brother-in-law. Listen in as Tim opens up about his upbringing, his time in the military and his goals from moving forward. To DONATE: linktr.ee/davidcuervoscholarship CONNECT WITH THE GUEST  Tim Barrientez IG: Tim Barrientez (@eltimo956)  CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez IG- weekend_in_texas  CO- HOST: Joseph Perez IG- Ketoavenger  The Any Given RunDay Podcast FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast  Any Given Runday IG (@any_given_runday)
Show notes54m
S3E003- 100 for Autism/ Life, Goggins and The RUN for AUTISM
Frank Vasquez is a local born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. After a rough time in High School his life took a different turn. After time in the military and starting a family Frank got settled in. Covid hit and changed life yet again. Fast forward and see how running has now overtaken his life with the work that he does. WEBSITE-   https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners 100 Miles for Autism To DONATE: https://www.acn-sa.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.ViewPage&PageID=589 CONNECT WITH THE GUEST Frank Vasquez IG: right_now_frank Right Now Motivation:  IG: rightnow_mt CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez IG- weekend_in_texas CO- HOST: Joseph Perez IG- Ketoavenger The Any Given RunDay Podcast FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast Any Given Runday (@any_given_runday)
Show notes1h 0m
S3E002- SuperWoman Mackenzy.runs From Goal to Reality

Meet Mackenzy. Mother, Educator and Ultra Runner. Mackenzy always loved running but didn't expect it to become a major part of her life. Starting in the middle school track team to running ultras around the country. Mackenzy talks about her past and how she found her way into the ultrarunning scene while still balancing work and mommy duties. From the highs to the lows Mackenzy's goal remains the same. Compete and complete her first 100 mile run with many more afterwards.

WEBSITE-   https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners


Rising Mountains Coaching: http://risingmountainscoaching.com/

IG: mackenzy.runs

CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez

IG- weekend_in_texas

CO- HOST: Joseph Perez

IG- Ketoavenger

The Any Given RunDay Podcast

FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast

Any Given Runday (@any_given_runday)

Show notes1h 6m
S3E001- Running with PURPOSE w Jada Duck

Meet Yada Duck. (AKA DUCK) Jada has not always been a runner, but you wouldn't know it. DUCK is not very hard to spot on race day or a regular training run. You will always see him doing one of two things and in most cases both. What are those things you ask? Look for the guy on race day that is carrying a flag (US, Suicide Prevention or other) If you are still not sure, look for the guys who PURPOSELY jumps in puddles. DUCK has a heart to help families or individuals who are affiliated with the military. The word suicide is a topic which is hard to talk about but definitely a topic that more people need to know about. DUCK does his part by dedicating each one of his running events to a former military service member bringing honor for their past service. Listen in as he shares his story and what led him to running to help hurting families.

Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 press 1


WEBSITE-   https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners 


FB: facebook.com/jada.duck

IG: yada_the_duck

CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez  

IG- weekend_in_texas  

The Any Given RunDay Podcast  

FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast    

Any Given Runday (@any_given_runday)

Show notes59m
S2E007- THE AMERICAN DREAM/ Former Pro Runner and local legend Jose Iñiguez
Mr. Iñiguez's story is one of the American Dream. Arriving at the United States with the mindset to work hard and provide, Jose was destined for so much more. A local of San Antonio, Tx, Jose takes time to retell the story about the sport that changed the trajectory of his life. Take a listen and learn about his path towards running, his career and what he does now.  WEBSITE-   https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners CONNECT WITH THE GUEST:  Jose Iniguez | Facebook IAAP Website-  iaapweb.com CO-HOST: Joseph P  IG-   Joseph Perez (@ketoavenger)  The Any Given RunDay Podcast   FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast    Any Given Runday (@any_given_runday) 
Show notes1h 4m
S2E006- Mexican Pro Runner and future Olympian Andie Limon
Meet Pro Runner and 2021 Olympics Marathon participant Andrea Limon. Andie talks about the start of her career and the funny twists and turns it took to get to where she is now. From a casual runner on the university track to a future Olympian. She currently holds the fastest Qualifying time for Mexico for this Olympic block and the 3rd Fastest Marathon for a female in Mexico's history.  Take a listen as she explains her journey of unknown to one of the fastest rising stars in the sport of distance running. WEBSITE- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners  CONNECT WITH US GUEST: Andie Limon IG- https://www.instagram.com/thelowcarbrunner/  CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez  IG-   https://www.instagram.com/runner_in_texas/  The Any Given RunDay Podcast  FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast  The Any Given RunDay IG- https://www.instagram.com/any_given_runday
Show notes1h 1m
S2E005- Salomon Pro Athlete and record holder Mike McKnight
Meet Salomon Athlete Mike McKnight. Mike has an extensive ultramarathoning resume which include some records, FKT's, and overall winner in some events. Mike loves to test the limits and see where or what his body is capable of. Listen in as we discuss some of the biggest events from winning the Triple Crown to running 100 miles with 0 calories. As we continue our conversation we shift over and discuss what March 21st means to him and many other. RODS ( Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome ) is an organization which uses endurance sports and fundraising to help those families willing to adopt children with Down Syndrome in orphanages lower the costs. WEBSITE- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners CONNECT WITH US GUEST: Mike McKnight IG- https://www.instagram.com/thelowcarbrunner/ Mike McKnight FB- https://www.facebook.com/mike.mcknight.509 Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome: Website: https://rods.org/ RODS IG: https://www.instagram.com/rodsracing CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez  IG-   https://www.instagram.com/runner_in_texas/ The Any Given RunDay Podcast  FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast The Any Given RunDay IG- https://www.instagram.com/any_given_runday
Show notes41m
S2E004- Pro Runner and Western States Qualifier- Cody Lind

Cody recently competed in the Bandera 100K in January. With hopes of going out and and having a great time but also pushing himself, he qualified for the prestigious Western States 100 mile race. Cody is a third generation runner. He grew up watching his grandfather and father run and began attending Western States as a spectator since the age of 3. Now as an experienced traveler and champion, Cody has earned a spot himself into, "the big dance." Take a listen as he talks a little about his past, shares tips and lets us learn a little bit about himself.

WEBSITE- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners 


Cody Lind IG- https://www.instagram.com/lindcody/

Cody Lind FB- https://www.facebook.com/runninglind

For his Coaching visit: http://g20running.com/

CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez  IG-   https://www.instagram.com/runner_in_texas/   

The Any Given RunDay Podcast  FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast   

The Any Given RunDay IG- https://www.instagram.com/any_given_runday

Show notes39m
S2E003- Lana Hernandez (Street2Feet Program Director
Meet Lana Hernandez, Program Director to Street2Feet. Lana takes time and shares a little bit about her childhood and how she got started in sports. AS time went on she began to really love and enjoy national parks, trails and all it has to offer. Faced with the tough life altering decision and help of friends and family, Lana takes a leap of faith and joins the non-profit world. Take a listen as she goes deep and shares Street2 Feet history and talks about its origins and where it is now. 12 years and counting many have received the help they need in life to get back on their feet through this program and highly focuses on wellness and running.  WEBSITE- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners CONNECT WITH US GUEST:  Lana Hernandez - https://www.instagram.com/lanalynn9/ FOR MORE INFO CHECK OUT: http://www.street2feet.org/ To DONATE: http://www.street2feet.org/donate.html Street2Feet IG- https://www.instagram.com/street2feet/ CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez  IG-   https://www.instagram.com/runner_in_texas/   The Any Given RunDay Podcast  FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast   The Any Given RunDay IG- https://www.instagram.com/any_given_runday
Show notes57m
S2E002- Katie Asmuth (Western States Golden Ticket Winner)
Meet Katie "runshappy" Asmuth. Many if not all people transition from the 5k to the 10K and eventually end up running a marathon. Katie has never run a 5k. After being encouraged to try something big, she decided to jump head first into 100 miler. Very quickly she realized that she was pretty good at this. After winning her first ultra and competing very well in others, she set her eyes on the most wanted Golden Ticket to Western States. Take a listen and see how Covid almost made it impossible and how a last minute opportunity turned into a golden moment.     Website- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners CONNECT WITH US GUEST:  Katie Asmuth- https://www.instagram.com/kt_runshappy/ CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez  IG-   https://www.instagram.com/runner_in_texas/   The Any Given RunDay Podcast   FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast   The Any Given RunDay IG- https://www.instagram.com/any_given_runday
Show notes44m