The Human Potential Running Series Podcast

The Human Potential Running Series Podcast

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HPRS Podcast – Episode 59: On Belongingness Theory

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 59, HPRS Race Director John Lacroix and co-hosts Thomas Stott and Megan Storms, dive into Belongingness Theory. In this episode, the trio explores what it means to belong. Deeper than that, we discuss the importance of belonging and the many ways in which HPRS promotes and supports belonging within our series. Also discussed is Dunbar's Number, a concept that discusses how many meaningful connections each of us is able to make. A thought-provoking episode on the WHY. 

Show notes1h 36m
HPRS Podcast Episode 58: Welcome Megan Storms

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 58, HPRS Race Director John Lacroix and co-host Thomas Stott welcome our newest co-host, Megan Storms, to the program. In this episode, we get to know Megan, her life in general, her journey into trail and ultra, and her journey to HPRS. We discuss why she believes in the HPRS community. Then, the three dive into talking about a whole myriad of things in a witty, fun, and off-the-rail conversation.

Show notes1h 26m
HPRS Podcast - Episode 57: 2025 State of Ultra

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 57 HPRS Race Director John Lacroix provides his data collection and analysis for ultramarathon running in 2024, and where the sport finds itself today. Less "address" and more conversation amongst friends, John highlights the triumphant year that ultra had and his reasons for being cautiously optimistic with the numbers and the earth-shattering struggles we're about to face with permitting. 

Show notes1h 24m
HPRS Podcast - Episode 56: Jenna Carosio

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 56, we welcome HPRS community member Jenna Carosio to talk about her life experiences and journey into running. In this episode we talk about Jenna's journey going from a collegiate soccer player, to roaming the world for 2 years, to her becoming a triathlete and ultra endurance athlete. We also discuss her journey from being a civil engineer to becoming an endurance coach for athletes of all abilities. A great episode with an inspiring woman, who has overcome a lot on her path to helping others overcome life's many challenges. 

Show notes1h 31m
HPRS Podcast - Episode 55: On Fueling

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 55, HPRS Race Director John Lacroix and co-host Thomas Stott discuss fueling. A wide ranging conversation that talks about daily diets and fueling during the run. The conversation discusses electrolyte drinks, typical aid station foods, preparing your own foods in advance of a race, training with different foods in finding out what works, and so much more. A conversation that is as much fun as it is important. 

Show notes1h 41m
Episode 54: Trail Etiquette & Other Musings

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 54, HPRS Race Director John Lacroix and co-host Thomas Stott dive into trail etiquette. Who has the right of way on trails? What is it to be courteous and respectful of other trail users? What is accepted etiquette during a race? The conversation even features a short conversation on running with dogs and what to do if a dog and dog owner approach you on the trail. With a few other musings sprinkled in for flair, this is a not-to-be-missed episode of the newly rebooted HPRS podcast!

Show notes1h 35m
Episode 53: Reboot with Thomas Stott and Talking Preparedness

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 53 HPRS Race Director John Lacroix welcomes new co-host Thomas Stott to the program. In this episode we get to know Tom, his life in general, his journey into trail and ultra, and his journey to HPRS. We discuss why he believes in the HPRS community. Then, the two dive into talking about Preparedness and how it is an integral part of your training in preparation for upcoming events, and life in general. 

Show notes1h 32m
Episode 52: On the Growth of Ultrarunning - Revisiting the Tragedy of the Commons and Race Cannibalization

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 52 HPRS Race Director John Lacroix talks about the growth of our sport; specifically revisiting the concept of The Tragedy of the Commons and how the growth of our sport is contributing to race cannibalization and the struggles many race directors will soon face. 2025 is going to be an incredibly difficult year for race directors to acquire permits on USFS lands, as land managers will resort to culling the herd of races since no one seems to know when enough is enough. An important listen for the future health of the sport many of us love!

Show notes1h 36m
Episode 51: What It's Like

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 51 HPRS Race Director John Lacroix talks about What It's Like to be a race director, but this time from the emotional/mental perspective. In previous episodes John has discussed what it's like to be a race director during a time where the sport of trail and ultra is ever changing. He has discussed the physical aspects of the job and the toll that takes on the race directors body. In this episode he discusses the seemingly unavoidable emotional and mental toll that comes with being a race director in today's day and age.

Show notes1h 16m
Episode 50: What Prize Money Gets Us

Take a run with The Human Potential Running Series podcast. For Episode 50 HPRS Race Director John Lacroix talks about recent ultrarunning press releases; most notably the news of Camile Herron’s involvement in a wikipedia controversy, and Aravaipa announcing their updated drug policy. John’s main discussion focuses on the effects the sport of ultra will realize as prize money and podiums become more of a focus. He names the “oligarchy” whom he believes is in control of ultra’s narrative, including the prize money narrative, and how they stand to make money that will NOT trickle down to smaller events. An episode many will label as “controversial” as John displays his passion for inclusion and accessibility in our sport, and maintaining our focus on community. 

Show notes1h 23m