The I Heart Running Podcast

The I Heart Running Podcast

Episode 5: Runchat with Ashley

Episode 5: Runchat with Ashley


Athletes Mentioned

Ashley Feldstein is guest #5! I have been a long time follower of Ashley on Instagram because I love her wit, sense of humour, and of course her passion for running. We have bonded over our shared love of running, coffee, and disdain of forced rest days. She is extremely funny, and always keeps it real when it comes to this sport we love so much. In this episode we chat about how to deal with running setbacks such as injuries, what to do with our race medals, Ashley’s half marathon goals—specifically a 1:59:59 half marathon, going pantless, and Eminem.  Ashley's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashfeldstein/ Blog: https://ashleyfeldstein.com/blog/