The Knighton Runs Podcast

The Knighton Runs Podcast

Latest Episodes

82 | The Right Way to Increase Your Mileage

Increasing your mileage is the best thing you can do to improve your running speed and endurance. But too many runners, coaches, and training plans do not go about it in the right way.

In this episode of The Knighton Runs Podcast, Coach Chris teaches you the right way to increase your mileage, and answers questions like: "How quickly should you increase your mileage? How much mileage is enough? How much is too much? Why is increasing your mileage so important? How should recovery weeks be factored into your training schedule?" and much more!

This episode contains a sample chapter from the new audio book edition of Run Faster Marathons: The Proven Path to PR, read by Coach Chris Knighton.

Get the Run Faster Marathons Audiobook from Audible:


Get the Run Faster Marathons Audiobook on Amazon:


Get the Run Faster Marathons Audiobook from Apple Books:


Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

Download My Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Show notes12m
81 | How to Improve Your Running Form Naturally

Do you run with good form? What is “good” running form anyway?

In this episode of The Knighton Runs Podcast, Coach Chris dives into some of the most frequent questions he gets asked as a running coach about improving your running form and dispels some of the myths out there about it.

This episode contains a sample chapter from the new audio book edition of Run Faster Marathons: The Proven Path to PR, read by Coach Chris Knighton.

Get the Run Faster Marathons Audiobook on Amazon!


Get the Run Faster Marathons Audiobook from Audible!


Get the Run Faster Marathons Audiobook from Apple Books!


Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

Get my Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Show notes17m
80 | New Ways to Challenge Yourself in 2024

When was the last time you challenged yourself in a new way?

On Sunday, I tried something I never did before.

I ran in my first ever 3000m race at the USATF Masters East Region Championships!

On this week's episode of The Knighton Runs Podcast, I teach about the importance of not getting stuck in your ways and continuously challenging yourself season after season.

Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

Get my Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Support The Knighton Runs Podcast at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns

Save 50% on my "Run Your Fastest Mile" Training Program with promo code "podcast" at checkout: https://knightonruns.com/run-your-fastest-mile-training-program/

Show notes24m
79 | How to Train for the Half Marathon

The Half Marathon is a special distance.

It's unique from any other road race in that it requires the perfect blend of both speed and endurance to get it right.

There are many runners who can run a strong 5K or 10K, but struggle in the half. They simply lack the endurance to carry their speed for so long.

Like wise, I know plenty of athletes who have run impressive marathons, but their half marathon pace is barely any faster than what they have run for 26.2 miles.

I love the half marathon, because it requires you to be such a well-rounded athlete to run one well.
Do you want to run a great half marathon in the coming year?

Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

Get my Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Support The Knighton Runs Podcast at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns⁠

Show notes25m
78 | Four Ways I've Broken Thru A Speed Plateau This Winter

In this episode of The Knighton Runs Podcast, Coach Chris shares four ways he's broken through a plateau in the last few months and gotten faster than ever before.

Topics covered include:

1. Setting Clear Goals and Challenging Yourself in New Ways

2. Focusing on Quality over Quantity

3. The Importance of Drills and Plyometrics

4. How to Choose Competitive Races

Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

Get my Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/⁠⁠⁠⁠

Support The Knighton Runs Podcast at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns⁠

Show notes26m
77 | Q&A: What to Do Between Marathons? How to Modify Training Plans? Winter Running Advice?

In this episode of The Knighton Runs Podcast, Coach Chris answers listener questions that were submitted in The Knighton Runs Training Group.

Questions covered include:

1. What to Do Between Marathons?

2. How to Best Modify Pre-Written Training Plans?

3. Advice for Winter Running?

Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

Check out my favorite winter running gear and tips: https://knightonruns.com/winter-running/

Get my Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/⁠⁠⁠

Support The Knighton Runs Podcast at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns

Show notes33m
76 | How to Properly Carb Load Before a Marathon or Half Marathon

Get my Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/⁠

Support The Knighton Runs Podcast at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns⁠


About this episode:

Have you ever hit the wall in a marathon? I have... It's a horrible feeling. Running low on energy, getting sore prematurely, and being forced to slow down in the final third of a marathon is no fun. When you hit the wall, months of hard work can go down the drain and you're left with lukewarm feelings about your race. You think... "I knew I could have done better." And the thing is... you almost certainly could have. I've run 7 marathons in my life, but The 2023 Chicago Marathon was the first time I took carb loading before the race seriously. I've never felt so good in the final 6 miles of a marathon than I did in Chicago. Carb loading properly in the three days before the marathon played a huge role in how good I felt. Carb loading is so powerful that I now encourage all of my athletes to carb load before their half marathons and marathons. In this Episode of The Knighton Runs Podcast, I will teach you why carb loading is so important, and give you precise instructions on how to do it properly. I've also included a sample 3-day carb loading meal plan, which contains the exact foods I ate in the three days leading up to my 2:46 finish and 7-minute PR at the Chicago Marathon.

Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast


Additional links mentioned in show:

Watch this podcast as a video on YouTube: ⁠⁠https://youtu.be/H01Xb0O_KBE

Read the blog post "How to Properly Carb Load Before a Marathon or Half Marathon": https://knightonruns.com/how-to-carb-load-before-a-marathon/

Show notes25m
75 | The Pyramid of Marathon Training

Get my Free Marathon Training Guide at ⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/

Support The Knighton Runs Podcast at ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns


About this episode:

Do you have this much variation in your weekly running? Effective marathon training is like building a pyramid. Each layer supports the one on top of it. You can’t expect to do well in the higher layers unless you’ve first built strong lower layers of support. But when you build from the ground up, you can reach tremendous heights! In Episode #75 of The Knighton Runs Podcast, teach the concept of the Pyramid of Marathon Training.

Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch 1:1 Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast


Additional links mentioned in show:

Watch this podcast as a video on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seALEh0ijDs⁠

Show notes20m
74 | How I PR’d by 7 Minutes at 2023 Chicago Marathon (and How You Can Too)

Get My FREE Marathon Training Guide! - ⁠⁠https://knightonruns.com/book/

The 2023 Chicago Marathon was an amazing experience. I've never felt so good in a marathon before!

(I was a little sick while recording this so apologies for that!)

I finished in 2:46:35, setting a 7 Minute PR over my previous personal best from the 2022 Boston Marathon.

I had to work really hard for this. My past few marathons were very challenging. I repeatedly hit the wall around mile 18 to 20. But in this race, I felt incredible from start to finish!

I worked really hard for this one.... in fact, I had to revamp everything.

In Episode #74 of The Knighton Runs Podcast, share the biggest things I changed up to run this breakthrough performance, and share lessons on how you can do just the same in your next marathon!

Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

This episode was made possible by contributions to The Knighton Runs Podcast from listeners like you.

Support this show at ⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns

Show notes38m
73 | How Fast to Run Each Day (Marathon Training)

Get My FREE Marathon Training Guide! https://knightonruns.com/book/

Most people misunderstand how to get faster.

This is how you actually get faster.

Variety is the key.

Some runs are fast.

Some runs are slow.

Some runs are in-between.

They all have a reason why they are in your training program.

Going faster on a run that's supposed to be slow or moderate doesn't make it a better workout.

Simply going "fastish" all the time and running up against a wall is the most common mistake new runners make.

Thankfully it's pretty simple to fix once you learn the different workout types and how they fit into your program.

Give every run a clear purpose and execute on the goal of that run.

In Episode #73 of The Knighton Runs Podcast, I dig deeper into this subject and talk about how to optimally set up your training week for maximum efficiency and the most fun!

Watch on YouTube to See "How Fast to Run Each Day" Chart Chart: https://youtu.be/sZKu-OQD1Pw?si=HfT5BN0HY-gci4Wn


Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

This episode was made possible by contributions to The Knighton Runs Podcast from listeners like you.

Support this show at https://www.patreon.com/knightonruns

Show notes24m