The Run Talk Run Podcast

The Run Talk Run Podcast

Latest Episodes

We're gonna run back to, Electric Avenue
Tim & Jess are joined by Julia Lowis, Run Talk Run South London leader and regular at RTR Brixton for a chat on running, mental health and how we can make running more accessible for our community
Show notes23m
Rainbow run & Central Line adventures

Ellie, Jess & Josh jump on the pod this week to discuss England's first week back running together, we preview the 'Rainbow Run' a community ultra that is fully inclusive and for all abilities, plus very fitting we flashback to July when Josh joined Derrick on a 110km Ultra, running the entirety of London's Central Tube Line. 


The Rainbow Run - Link to entry https://ultra-x.co/the-rainbow-run/



Show notes41m
Episode 12 - Return of the pod

Great news, the pod is returning to your ears this winter. Jess and Josh are joined by Tim and Ellie who will be new regular voices, bringing you guests, stories and all the on goings in the RTR bubble.. (or should I say bauble) 

Show notes14m
Episode 11- BrainGains, big runs & getting all nostalgic

BrainGains Blog - https://www.instagram.com/braingains.blog/

with thanks to Voices of Run Talk Run - Rosie (Gateshead) 

Support Run Talk Run - https://www.runtalkrun.com/rtr-support


Show notes1h 2m
Episode 10 - Jonathan Dick, The Adonis Complex & Road to Ragnar


Become a run talk run supporter - https://www.runtalkrun.com/rtr-support


Jonathan Dick - Instagram (@CoachJCD)

The Adonis Complex - find the book here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adonis-Complex-Identify-Prevent-Obsession/dp/068486911X (or independent book stores if you can! 


Ragnar Relay - To be a part of it, email Julia (julialowis@gmail.com)

Set you and your crew challenges - https://www.challengehound.com


Show notes55m
Episode 8 - Nick Kershaw, Impact Marathon & homemade cocktails

Nick Kershaw - @njkershaw 

Impact Marathon - @ImpactMarathon

Nick's Book - Factfullness by Hans Rosling 

How you can subscribe to RunTalkRun for just £4 a month. 


Cocktail Recipe's

Nick - Old Fashioned - 60ml Whisky, 2tsp Sugar Syrup, 2 dashes Angostura Bitters, Splash of Water/tonic water, stir and pour over ice. Garnish with orange peel. If you don't have Angostura Bitters, it can be made from 2tsp vodka, pinch of cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, cloves, prunes and thinly diced orange, mix and strain. If it tastes absolutely terrible, then you know you've made good angostura bitters.

Josh - Dark & Stormy (Dark Caribbean Rum, Ginger Ale,  Squeeze of Lime on Ice) 

Jess - Mocktail (Fanta fruit twist, frozen berries with ice....) 


Show notes53m
Episode 7 - Danny Kazandis, RunTalkMums & re-writing goals
Jess & Josh are joined by the wonderful Danny Kazandis for a slightly different pod this week. We talk social media, the pressures of posting and the effect it has on others. We also chat revised resolutions, RunTalkMums, and how often you should wash your hair....
Show notes39m
Episode 6 - Mark West, recovering through helping others, and postal teabags

Our Guest - Mark West (@Run4MH)

The Runners - The Vimeo Film Josh Spoke About

Mens Health Issue on Mental health - https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a32302809/ant-middleton-mens-health/

Chris Charity page for Lockdown LEJOG cycle page - (@czair_runs)  



Show notes46m
Episode 5 - Jane Vongvorachoti, journalling and colouring swear words

This week Josh & Jess are joined by Jane Vongvorachoti, Olympic marathon runner, 11 x national record holder, coach and wonderful individual. We talk depression, training for Rio and some of the other ways to look after your mental health besides exercising. 

Jane Vongvorachoti (@Janeruns4life - https://janeruns4life.com

Rachel's Blog on Journalling -  https://www.runtalkrun.com/mental-health-running-blog/how-journaling-can-help-you


Show notes47m