The Any Given Run Day Podcast

The Any Given Run Day Podcast

S3E002- SuperWoman Mackenzy.runs From Goal to Reality

S3E002- SuperWoman Mackenzy.runs From Goal to Reality

1h 6m

Athletes Mentioned

Meet Mackenzy. Mother, Educator and Ultra Runner. Mackenzy always loved running but didn't expect it to become a major part of her life. Starting in the middle school track team to running ultras around the country. Mackenzy talks about her past and how she found her way into the ultrarunning scene while still balancing work and mommy duties. From the highs to the lows Mackenzy's goal remains the same. Compete and complete her first 100 mile run with many more afterwards.

WEBSITE-   https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners


Rising Mountains Coaching: http://risingmountainscoaching.com/

IG: mackenzy.runs

CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez

IG- weekend_in_texas

CO- HOST: Joseph Perez

IG- Ketoavenger

The Any Given RunDay Podcast

FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast

Any Given Runday (@any_given_runday)