The Any Given Run Day Podcast

S3E003- 100 for Autism/ Life, Goggins and The RUN for AUTISM
1h 0m
Athletes Mentioned
Frank Vasquez is a local born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. After a rough time in High School his life took a different turn. After time in the military and starting a family Frank got settled in. Covid hit and changed life yet again. Fast forward and see how running has now overtaken his life with the work that he does.
WEBSITE- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners
100 Miles for Autism
To DONATE: https://www.acn-sa.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.ViewPage&PageID=589
Frank Vasquez
IG: right_now_frank
Right Now Motivation:
IG: rightnow_mt
CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez
IG- weekend_in_texas
CO- HOST: Joseph Perez
IG- Ketoavenger
The Any Given RunDay Podcast
FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast
Any Given Runday (@any_given_runday)