The Knighton Runs Podcast

The Knighton Runs Podcast

73 | How Fast to Run Each Day (Marathon Training)

73 | How Fast to Run Each Day (Marathon Training)


Athletes Mentioned

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Most people misunderstand how to get faster.

This is how you actually get faster.

Variety is the key.

Some runs are fast.

Some runs are slow.

Some runs are in-between.

They all have a reason why they are in your training program.

Going faster on a run that's supposed to be slow or moderate doesn't make it a better workout.

Simply going "fastish" all the time and running up against a wall is the most common mistake new runners make.

Thankfully it's pretty simple to fix once you learn the different workout types and how they fit into your program.

Give every run a clear purpose and execute on the goal of that run.

In Episode #73 of The Knighton Runs Podcast, I dig deeper into this subject and talk about how to optimally set up your training week for maximum efficiency and the most fun!

Watch on YouTube to See "How Fast to Run Each Day" Chart Chart: https://youtu.be/sZKu-OQD1Pw?si=HfT5BN0HY-gci4Wn


Knighton Runs Marathon Coaching High-Touch Run Coaching | Training Programs | Book | Podcast

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