The Knighton Runs Podcast

The Knighton Runs Podcast

76 | How to Properly Carb Load Before a Marathon or Half Marathon

76 | How to Properly Carb Load Before a Marathon or Half Marathon


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About this episode:

Have you ever hit the wall in a marathon? I have... It's a horrible feeling. Running low on energy, getting sore prematurely, and being forced to slow down in the final third of a marathon is no fun. When you hit the wall, months of hard work can go down the drain and you're left with lukewarm feelings about your race. You think... "I knew I could have done better." And the thing is... you almost certainly could have. I've run 7 marathons in my life, but The 2023 Chicago Marathon was the first time I took carb loading before the race seriously. I've never felt so good in the final 6 miles of a marathon than I did in Chicago. Carb loading properly in the three days before the marathon played a huge role in how good I felt. Carb loading is so powerful that I now encourage all of my athletes to carb load before their half marathons and marathons. In this Episode of The Knighton Runs Podcast, I will teach you why carb loading is so important, and give you precise instructions on how to do it properly. I've also included a sample 3-day carb loading meal plan, which contains the exact foods I ate in the three days leading up to my 2:46 finish and 7-minute PR at the Chicago Marathon.

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Additional links mentioned in show:

Watch this podcast as a video on YouTube: ⁠⁠https://youtu.be/H01Xb0O_KBE

Read the blog post "How to Properly Carb Load Before a Marathon or Half Marathon": https://knightonruns.com/how-to-carb-load-before-a-marathon/