The Any Given Run Day Podcast

The Any Given Run Day Podcast

S2E002- Katie Asmuth (Western States Golden Ticket Winner)

S2E002- Katie Asmuth (Western States Golden Ticket Winner)


Athletes Mentioned

Meet Katie "runshappy" Asmuth. Many if not all people transition from the 5k to the 10K and eventually end up running a marathon. Katie has never run a 5k. After being encouraged to try something big, she decided to jump head first into 100 miler. Very quickly she realized that she was pretty good at this. After winning her first ultra and competing very well in others, she set her eyes on the most wanted Golden Ticket to Western States. Take a listen and see how Covid almost made it impossible and how a last minute opportunity turned into a golden moment.     Website- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners CONNECT WITH US GUEST:  Katie Asmuth- https://www.instagram.com/kt_runshappy/ CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez  IG-   https://www.instagram.com/runner_in_texas/   The Any Given RunDay Podcast   FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast   The Any Given RunDay IG- https://www.instagram.com/any_given_runday