The Any Given Run Day Podcast

S2E003- Lana Hernandez (Street2Feet Program Director
Athletes Mentioned
Meet Lana Hernandez, Program Director to Street2Feet. Lana takes time and shares a little bit about her childhood and how she got started in sports. AS time went on she began to really love and enjoy national parks, trails and all it has to offer. Faced with the tough life altering decision and help of friends and family, Lana takes a leap of faith and joins the non-profit world. Take a listen as she goes deep and shares Street2 Feet history and talks about its origins and where it is now. 12 years and counting many have received the help they need in life to get back on their feet through this program and highly focuses on wellness and running.
WEBSITE- https://anygivenrunday.wixsite.com/runners
CONNECT WITH US GUEST: Lana Hernandez - https://www.instagram.com/lanalynn9/
FOR MORE INFO CHECK OUT: http://www.street2feet.org/
To DONATE: http://www.street2feet.org/donate.html
Street2Feet IG- https://www.instagram.com/street2feet/
CO-HOST: Daniel Martinez IG- https://www.instagram.com/runner_in_texas/
The Any Given RunDay Podcast FB- https://www.facebook.com/anygivenrundaypodcast
The Any Given RunDay IG- https://www.instagram.com/any_given_runday